Brady Goodwin, ThM, DMin


Brady Goodwin has served in various ministry environments for over fifteen years. He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.) and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min, Biblical Counseling). 

Brady offers counseling to individuals and married couples on a wide variety of issues. He especially enjoys connecting a person's struggles to the transforming love of God and the timeless wisdom of Scripture. Brady also provides consulting for pastors, ministry staff, church leaders and Christian organizations related to staff and member care. 

In addition to his work as a biblical counselor, Brady has served as a pastor at a local church for over twelve years, as an adjunct instructor in biblical counseling at an international seminary (Christ Bible Seminary in Nagoya, Japan), and has been a regular contributing writer for the website of the Biblical Counseling Coalition.  

Brady has been married to his wife Aimee for eighteen years. They live in Richardson, Texas with their three energetic children.